

The following confidential resources will not inform other University personnel or law enforcement agencies without the victim’s permission. Confidential resources can be very helpful in advising victims on whether or not to make a final report and in assisting with that reporting process.



  • 新不列颠女青年会性侵犯危机服务中心
    电子邮件: nbsacs@s网.网
  • 间隔的房子
    24小时家庭暴力热线:860.527.0550 or 1.888.774.2900
  • 康涅狄格性侵犯危机服务中心
    24小时保密热线- 1.888.999.5545
  • 康涅狄格州反家庭暴力联盟(CCADV)
  • 强奸、虐待和乱伦全国网络(RAINN)

The University offers a number of other resources to victims for receiving support advice, 咨询和协助, 以及举报性暴力和其他不当性行为, but while every effort will be made to preserve confidentiality to the greatest extent possible, 这些资源在了解到事件后可能有义务采取行动. 教师 members are not confidential resources and must contact the interim University 第九条 Coordinator or a deputy coordinator if they are alerted to an alleged violation of this sexual violence policy.


title9@hhifdcyyjgqtmxl.com or mckenna@hhifdcyyjgqtmxl.com

任何事故,每天24小时,每周7天:公共安全, 860.768.7985

当然, 基于舒适度, 受害者可以选择通知其他大学工作人员和管理人员, whereupon the University employee will make sure that a designated University official is informed.

While these offices and individuals are specifically trained to respond to reports of sexual violence and other sexual misconduct and to assist victims of these incidents, 如果受害者选择通知其他大学工作人员和管理人员, the University employee will make sure that a designated University official is informed. 通知除机密资源以外的任何大学员工, triggers an obligation for that employee to report to a designated University official.

当学校收到事件通知时, 无论是来自受害者, 第三方, 或匿名, the University has an obligation to take action in order to protect the health and safety of the University community. 通常这包括调查, 即使受害者不希望提出正式申诉, 尽管除了或之外可能还有其他选项可用, 在明显合适的地方, 而不是调查, 比如教育节目. 任何时候的性暴力或其他不当性行为的报告进行调查, 只有需要了解事件的人才会被告知, 只有在必要时才会与调查人员分享立博网站中文版, 目击者, 而被告. 然而, investigations by their nature cannot be entirely confidential: in order to properly investigate a report of a possible violation of this Sexual Violence Policy, 受害者的身份, 当已知, 可能会被揭露.

If the University must investigate in spite of a victim’s request for confidentiality, 大学将在开始调查前通知受害者, 尽可能地, maintain as much privacy as possible and only share information with people as necessary to meet the University’s obligations.

The University may not require a victim to participate in any investigation or disciplinary proceeding.  在任何情况下, the University will take all reasonable steps to be protective of the victim’s well-being.

The 第九条 Coordinator or designee will discuss options regardless of whether the victim wishes to maintain confidentiality, and regardless of whether the victim wishes to file a complaint under the University Complaint Process or with law enforcement. 然而, some options may not be available while maintaining confidentiality or without filing under the University Complaint process. 例如, 一种涉及对另一名大学生进行正式处罚的选择, 工作人员, or faculty cannot occur without giving that other individual the procedural rights to accused described in the Sexual Violence Policy.

Please reference Heading VI, Section B of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy and Procedures


社区 members who are victims of sexual violence or other sexual misconduct have the option to notify or not notify law enforcement. 立博体育官网 community members are encouraged to report sexual violence and other sexual misconduct—事件是发生在校内还是校外—to local police. Any of the following resources can assist community members who wish to make a report of sexual violence and other sexual misconduct, 事件是发生在校内还是校外, 向警方.

  • 美国立博体育官网公共安全系: 860.768.7985
  • 新不列颠女青年会性侵犯危机服务: 热线电话860.223.1787或电子邮件 nbsacs@s网.网
  • 时间间隔:  24小时家庭暴力热线860.527.0550 or 1.888.774.2900

Electing not to report an incident to the police will not impact the University’s investigation or 第九条 complaint process, nor will it affect the victim’s other rights and options under the 性侵犯 and sexual harassment policy and the law. 如果受害者是未成年人, 根据康涅狄格州法律, 大学将向有关执法机构作出报告.

  • 哈特福德警察局- 860.757.4000
  • 西哈特福德警察局- 860.523.5203
  • 布卢姆菲尔德警察局- 860.242.5501

请拨860.768.7777(或任何大学电话7777)或911. Please be advised that dialing the Department of 公共安全 directly may speed up emergency response as 公共安全 can guide emergency services to the proper location on campus.

Victims of Sexual Violence and Other Sexual Misconduct that constitutes a violation of criminal statutes—including, 但不限于, 性侵犯, 家庭伴侣暴力, dating violence and stalking—may be able to seek a protective order or temporary restraining order through the criminal or civil court system. Any person who obtains a court-ordered protective order or temporary restraining order, 无论是否与违反本性暴力政策有关, may inform 公共安全 of the existence of the protective or temporary restraining order.

立博体育官网刑事司法系统的立博网站中文版, 包括如何获得和执行保护令或限制令的立博网站中文版, is contained in appendices at the back of the Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy and Procedures.


除了大学办公室, 员工和学生, visitors to the campus can also direct their concerns about sex discrimination to federal and state offices. The United States 教育部’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces 第九条.


电话: 617.289.0111

传真: 617.289.0150

电子邮件: OCR_Boston@ed.政府


U.S. 教育部

The United States 平等就业机会委员会 (EEOC) enforces the federal laws that prohibit sex discrimination in employment, 教育活动, 和程序.

约翰F. 肯尼迪联邦大厦

电话: 1.800.669.4000

传真: 617.565.3196


U.S. 平等就业机会委员会

Please note that a formal written complaint will be filed with the EEOC within 300 days of the date the alleged discriminatory act occurred.

The 康涅狄格州人权和机会委员会 (CHRO) enforces laws that prohibit sex discrimination in employment within the state of Connecticut.


电话: 860.541.3400 or 1.800.477.5737

传真: 860.246.5068

